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[ How It Works ]

Drag & Drop your payslip and let the magic happen

PayslipBuddy AI reads your payslip and processes all verifications; giving you insight into your income and umbrella company.
Wave design
One step to protect your family, finances and peace of mind

Our PayslipBuddy team are doing their best to provide you with a solution to protect, explain and bring valuable data on your earnings, whilst offering you a first-class user experience.

Don't know how to spot a fraud?
We do.

1.Upload your payslip

  • Simply drag & drop

    As soon as you receive your payslip, upload it into your PayslipBuddy dashboard.

  • That's it!

    Wait for the magic to happen.

Suspecting fraud is not enough, you need proof?
We provide it.

2.Get insight from your payslip report

  • Fraud detection

    Unscrupulous umbrella companies use a multitude of techniques to increase their margins: sometimes unlawful, sometimes lawful but unethical. PayslipBuddy detects tax fraud, unlawful and unethical practices, helping you protect the fruit of your labour.

    PayslipBuddy detects tax fraud and other unlawful practices, helping you protect the fruit of your labour.

  • Payslip insight

    Make sure that all deductions have been calculated accurately and receive valuable information on your pay.

    PayslipBuddy helps you understand the net pay received in your bank account.

  • Proof of compliance

    Contractors should be able to work with any umbrella company they wish, as long as they provide proof each week to their agencies, that their pay has been processed compliantly.

    PayslipBuddy helps you keep your chosen umbrella company by providing weekly reports to your agency/end client, to prove that your umbrella is 100% compliant.

You struggle to monitor your budget?
We can help.

3.Visualise your income

  • Track your income

    As a temporary worker, it can be hard to have a clear view on earnings, sick leave, holidays, availability...

    With PayslipBuddy, you can see at a glance what you have earned week after week, helping you plan better.

  • Track your taxes

    How much tax have you paid so far? Has your umbrella company under or over taxed you?

    PayslipBuddy can help you to answer all these questions and guide you through the process.

  • Track your pension contributions

    Auto-enrolment is a legal obligation for your employer and being auto enrolled can help you secure a retirement pension at the end of your career. Although contributing to a pension can be perceived as a deduction taken from your pay, it gives you a way to put aside tax-free money each week.

    PayslipBuddy helps you understand your pension and make the right decisions.